Molestation Liability

Precision Underwriting has access to the Beazley Safeguard abuse product.

Industry specifics.

We will consider submissions from all industries and our experience has allowed us to identify six key markets:

• Educational institutions
• Not-for-profit organisations
• Transportation providers
• Healthcare providers
• Religious institutions
• Leisure facilities

This is an offering that combines advanced risk management and proactive crisis response services with effective insurance.
Beazley Safeguard is designed to help clients minimise the risk of abuse within their organisation, and to respond effectively if an event occurs.

For further information or to discuss cover requirements please don’t hesitate to contact:

Suzanne Connors: 0414 599 403
Paul Douglas: 0402 100 205
Allan Lee: 0488 778 589

If the client provides Overnight stay facilities or Transport, Educational or Healthcare services please ensure the appropriate Supplement/s below are completed in addition to the Proposal

Safeguard Australia Policy Wording